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The Sustainable Summer Project aims not only to mitigate environmental impacts, but also to promote a lasting cultural change towards sustainability.


YOUR DONATION and the collaboration between the NGOs Somos Natureza, Opaoma, Brigada Mirim and the communities will be fundamental to the project's success.

In the initial phase, volunteers from the NGO and brigade members from the Brigada Mirim, together with the OPAOMA team and support from AMPEE, will visit the homes of the local community to provide information leaflets on recycling practices at home, encouraging the correct separation of waste. This stage aims to make residents aware of the importance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment.


The second phase consists of identifying and establishing Eco Points, which will be strategic locations for collecting recyclable materials. These points will be chosen based on convenience for the community and maximizing collection efficiency. The partnership between the NGO Somos Natureza, OPAOMA and the Brigada Mirim will play a crucial role in mobilizing and engaging residents in this process.


With the Eco Points defined, the third phase begins with the fortnightly collection of recyclable materials separated by the community. Volunteers from the NGO Somos Natureza and firefighters will work together to carry out the collection efficiently. In addition, to expand the scope of the project, the NGO will use a boat to facilitate the transportation of the collected materials.

We will initially be working on the beaches:



We will publicize the weight and value of the recycling collected with Ecoangra (or a similar company) on a monthly basis, highlighting the positive impact we have achieved together.


A "Community Sustainability Fund" will be created and whenever this "box" reaches a stipulated amount, it will be given out on a rotating basis to the participating associations for local initiatives.

Participate actively and celebrate this sustainable journey with us!

The more recyclables, the more return to the community!



Phase 1: Raising Awareness in Local Communities

Training and preparation:

Carry out specific training for volunteers from the Somos Natureza NGO and Brigadistas from the Brigada Mirim, addressing the content to be shared and effective communication strategy and approaches sensitive to the particularities of each community.


Scheduling with Residents' Associations:

Contact the residents' associations of Longa, Matariz, Bananal, Freguesia de Santana and Saco do Céu beaches to schedule specific days for awareness visits / workshops.


Awareness visits:

DOOR TO DOOR ACTION - Begin visits to the homes of local communities, according to the days planned. During these interactions, share information about the Sustainable Summer Project, distribute the booklets and encourage adherence to sustainable practices.

Identifying Eco-Points and Establishing Collection Sites

During the visits, try to define the best places to set up Eco Points on each beach.


Active involvement of brigade members and volunteers in identifying strategic areas for Eco Points, taking into account convenience for the community and collection efficiency.

Phase 2: Installation of Eco Points:

Implement Eco Points in previously defined locations, ensuring clear signage and visible instructions on the types of recyclable materials accepted.

Phase 3: Fortnightly Collection and Reinforcement of Storage Practices

Provide additional training for volunteers and brigade members on collection procedures, including the efficient use of the NGO's boat to transport recyclables.


Start of fortnightly collection:

Implement the fortnightly collection schedule, with volunteers and brigade members carrying out the collections at the established Eco Points.


During collections, reinforce proper storage practices with residents, offering practical tips and clarifying doubts.


Regular Task Forces: Keeping the House Clean


We recognize that cleaning beaches is a shared responsibility between local residents and visitors, a collective commitment. This approach promotes ecological awareness, encouraging everyone who visits to respect the environment.


Waste collection is carried out systematically on a weekly basis, involving not only the NGO's volunteers, but also active members of the local community. This collaboration creates a robust network of participants committed to preserving the beaches. In addition, the emphasis on recycling highlights the importance of reducing environmental impact by turning waste into resources.


Collaboration between the NGO's partner organizations allows for the sharing of solutions, knowledge and experiences, creating synergies that not only benefit local beaches, but also establish an inspiring model for similar initiatives in other regions.


Sorting and separating: sorting, weighing for correct disposal


Provide additional training for volunteers and brigade members on collection procedures, including the efficient use of the NGO's boat to transport recyclables.



The recyclables collected will be sorted, weighed and delivered to Ecoangra or a similar company. The amount raised from the recyclables collected will be allocated to the participating Residents' Associations for better use in each community.

Phase 4: Refocusing the collected plastic
(polymers 2 and 5):

Crushing, melting and injecting the plastics (polymers 2 and 5) collected with a special machine purchased by Ong Somos Natureza, which will be transported to the participating communities, to transform these recyclable plastics into sustainable, long-lasting boards and rafters.

RESIGNIFIED: These new products will be donated to the residents' associations, which will put them to the best use, and may even generate extra income for the community.

Your contribution is essential to boost our project and create a real impact on environmental conservation of this PARADISE , recognized as NATURAL HERITAGE OF HUMANITY by UNESCO

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