Between September 15 and 17, 2023, the NGO "Somos Natureza" hosted the first "Somos Ilha Grande" forum. This unique space brought together environmental advocates, representatives from local communities, non-governmental organizations, and associations committed to environmental preservation in Rio de Janeiro and the Ilha Grande region.
Pedro Lucas Pinho, a designer and mechanical technician, was one of the guests and brought the "Casa Plástica" project with him. Pedro developed a recycling machine, and the NGO "Somos Natureza" acquired a unit of the machine for plastic redefinition projects.

A "little machine" designed to shred plastic from the beach
To create raw materials
The machine will be our instrument for transforming plastics collected from beaches and oceans into everyday-use objects, reshaping plastic waste for our community.
The process is simple but impactful. Initially, we conduct beach cleanup campaigns, joining forces with partners committed to the cause.
Each item collected undergoes careful sorting, determining whether it will go to our recycling machine, where it will gain a new life, or be sent to Eco Angra, a partner recycling center.
Every action counts, and with your support, we can expand our positive impact on Ilha Grande!
Join us, support the NGO "Somos Natureza" recycling project, and be part of the change we want to see in the world.
Together, we are the force driving transformation.

Ilha Grande | Angra dos Reis | RJ | Brazil
Whatsapp: +55 11 97897-5558 |
©2023 by Synestesis Studio & Monica Quintanilha